There is a growing need for IT professionals with practical expertise in basic hardware concepts and in-depth knowledge of software development, programming, data management systems, web and mobile applications, customer services systems, and networks. Upon completing this program, you will leave with the skills and experience to be one of these IT professionals and be well-prepared to seek professional certification in Information Technology Certificate Professional (ITCP), Associate Information Technology Professional (AITP), and/or Information Systems Professional (ISP).
Taking Computer Science at University of Windsor has allowed me to explore so many different fields and topics that now I have a much better idea of what I want to achieve in my future. From data structures to website design classes, I've gained useful knowledge in various areas thanks to the amazing faculty and meaningful friendships. Additionally, I've had the unique experience of taking on a co-op position at the University, which has helped me gain valuable connections and real-world experience with modern web development techniques in a fast-paced team and environment. Overall, the program has certainly paved a bright pathway for my future by preparing me for the ever advancing computer science industry.
Web & Digital Project CoordinatorCourse Requirements: ENG4U & 1 of MDM4U, MHF4U or MCV4U
Minimum Average: 70% (70% grade in at least one of the stated math courses is also required).
Minimum Average (Co-op): 75%
Mean Average: 86%
Course Requirements: ENG4U & 1 of MDM4U, MHF4U or MCV4U
Minimum Average: 70% (70% grade in at least one of the stated math courses is also required).
Minimum Average (Co-op): 75%
Mean Average: 86%
This program is available with or without Co-op. See Program and Co-operative Education Regulations in the Undergraduate Course Calendar.
Total courses: 40
Taking ACCT 1510, ACCT 2550, FINA 2700 will meet requirements for minor in Business.
Students in the Co-op stream will also be required to complete COMP-2980, COMP-3980 and COMP-4970, which correspond to the required work term placements.
Ten courses, including COMP-1000, COMP1047, COMP-2057, COMP-2067, COMP-2087, ECON-1100, MSCI-1000, STEN-1000
The objectives of this course are to excite students’ interest in computer science and to give students a precise understanding of a number of difficult concepts that are fundamental to modern computer science. Topics may include: induction and recursion; algebraic characterization; syntax; semantics; formal logic; soundness, completeness, and decidability; specification, algorithm, and determinism; complexity. (Restricted to students registered in programs offered wholly or jointly by Computer Science or by Mathematics and Statistics, or with approval of Computer Science.) (3 lecture hours and 1.5 laboratory hours a week).
Introduction to the concepts of operation of a computer system, including hardware and software. Development of conceptual understanding of word processors, databases, spreadsheets, etc., and practical experience with their use. Networking concepts and data communication concepts will be introduced. The Internet will be introduced with students having access to internet resources. Management information systems including the systems development lifecycle will be discussed. Fundamental concepts of algorithm development and programming will be introduced. Hands-on experience with microcomputers as well as a distributed-computing environment will be involved. In addition to lecture time, laboratory/tutorial time may be scheduled as required. (May not be used to fulfill the major requirements of any major or joint major in Computer Science, except for the Bachelor of Information Technology (BIT) program.) (3 lecture hours).
Students will be introduced to the Internet as a global information infrastructure, including fundamental concepts in protocols and services, packaging of data, and data transmission. Common tools and multimedia such as HTML, CSS, and CMS, used for the development of websites will also be introduced. Web page design, quality, accessibility and security issues will be discussed. How Web browsers and search engines work will be demonstrated. Social networks and other current Internet applications will be examined. In addition to lecture time, laboratory/ tutorial time may be scheduled as required. (Prerequisite: COMP-1047 or COMP-2067 or COMP-1400.) (May not be used to fulfill the major requirements of any major or joint major in Computer Science.) (3 lecture hours a week).
This course introduces fundamental computer programming principles and structured programming concepts, with an emphasis on good programming. Stages of the software development cycles are introduced: analysis, design, implementation, debugging and deployment. May not be used to fulfill the major requirements of any major or joint major in Computer Science, except fro the Bachelor of Information Technology (BIT program.) (3 lecture hours).
This course is the continuation of COMP-2067 that introduces students to more advanced algorithm design and programming using Python. The main objectives of the course are to develop the ability to identify, understand, and design solutions to a wide variety of problems. Topics covered include: lists, dictionaries and files, functions and modules, testing and exception handling and object oriented approach. (Prerequisite: COMP-2067) (May not be used to fulfill the major requirements of any major or joint major in Computer Science, except fro the Bachelor of Information Technology (BIT program.) (3 lecture hours a week).
An introduction to microeconomics intended to provide students with the tools necessary to begin to understand and evaluate how resources are allocated in a market economy. Specific topics include how markets function, theories of the business firm, of consumer behaviour and of income distribution. The economic roles of labour unions and government are also covered. The theories are applied to contemporary Canadian economic problems.
This course focuses on giving students the knowledge and skills to be used in a world in which spreadsheets are an integral part and which requires graduating business students to be proficient in its use. It also provides students with the knowledge and skills to be used in other courses in which spreadsheets’ powers can play an important role in analyzing data and presenting information in a professional manner. This knowledge and skills include: effectively entering data on spreadsheets so that they can be efficiently manipulated and converted into relevant information, both numerical and graphical; and, creating and interpreting this relevant information in a professional manner. To accomplish this, students will learn how to create professional looking graphs and charts and how to use and apply various Excel functions and capabilities including pivot tables, filtering, sorting, merging, lookup formulas, conditional formulas, relative and absolute formulas, range labelling, descriptive statistics functions, probability functions and financial functions. (Prerequisite: Semester 2 standing or above.) (Corequisites: MATH-1980, MATH-1250, MATH-1720, MATH-1760, or equivalent)
This course takes a holistic approach in helping students develop an understanding of their future places, as entry-level managers, in business and other forms of organizations. Functional business learning is undertaken using the lecture method. In parallel, the basic elements of strategic management are introduced in order to develop students’ strategic thinking capabilities. Project work focuses on adapting students’ career strategies to the employment environment, and on adapting companies’ strategies to their competitive environments. Finally, the case method is used to emphasize ethical self-management, group dynamics and organizational governance, and entrepreneurial processes involved in starting and managing a small business. The course demands that students: use their initiative; develop their analytical, decision-making and interpersonal management skills; and take responsibility for achieving success.
Ten courses, including COMP-2097, COMP-2547, COMP-2707, STAT-2910, MGMT-2400, MKTG- 1310
This course provides review, analysis and use of social media and mobile technologies. Topics to be covered include: a comprehensive review of available social media and mobile technology, use of social media and mobile technology for sharing of knowledge and for group interaction, security and privacy, ethical principles in social media, methods for analyzing end-user requirements for a social media application, strategies for designing, implementing, and maintaining an ethically-sound social media campaign, and measurement and assessment of social media analytics using industry standard tools and techniques. (This course may not be taken to fulfill the major requirements of any major or joint major in Computer Science except for the Bachelor of Information Technology (BIT program.) (3 lecture hours).
This course provides an introduction to the programming and analysis of both linear and non-linear data structures and their associated algorithms. Topics include the formal notion of algorithms; basics of time and space complexity; linear data structures (such as stacks, queues, linked lists); non- linear data structures (such as trees, binary trees); recursion; sorting techniques (such as heap sort, quick sort, merge sort); searching techniques (such as binary search, binary search trees, hashing); algorithm design paradigms (such as divide-and-conquer, greedy algorithms); and applications. (Prerequisite: COMP-1000 and 2087, Prerequisite or Co-requisite: COMP-2087. Antirequisite: COMP- 2540) (May not be used to fulfill the major requirements of any major or joint major in Computer Science, except for the Bachelor of Information Technology (BIT) program. This course can not be taken as a substitute for COMP-2540)(3 lecture hours a week).
This course is intended to teach the student about advanced website creation and to give an understanding of some of the technology behind websites, as well as an understanding of emerging web-related technologies. Topics covered will include JavaScript, Style Sheets, Dynamic HTML, XML, XHTML, Web Browser compatibility issues, and how web servers work. (Prerequisite: COMP-2057.) (This course may not be taken to fulfill the major requirements of any major or joint major in Computer Science, except for the Bachelor of Information Technology (BIT) program.) (3 lecture hours a week).
This course will cover descriptive statistics, probability, discrete and continuous distributions, point and interval estimation, hypothesis testing, goodness-of-fit and contingency tables. (Prerequisite: Grade 12 “U” Advanced Level Mathematics (MHF4U, MCV4U, MDM4U) or Grade 11 Functions and Applications (MCF3M) or Grade 11 Functions (MCR3U).) (Course equivalencies and antirequisites as stated in the University of Windsor Senate Policy on Introductory Statistics Courses.) (May not be taken for credit after taking STAT-2920 or STAT-2950.) (3 lecture hours, 1 tutorial hour per week.)
This course provides an overview of the basics of management theory, coupled with a more applied view of how that theory may work in an organizational setting. It will build upon the understanding of strategic positioning and context provided by its new prerequisite Introduction to Business (STEN-1000) where stakeholders, the environment, and business issues provide the background for understanding the challenges facing today’s manager. The course will provide some experiential opportunities to develop team and leadership skills, while looking at what affects the role of the individual and the group within the structure of the organization. An understanding of the influences upon and ways to motivate behaviour in organizations will be developed. (Prerequisite: STEN-1000. Business students must also have completed MGMT-1000) (This is an experiential learning course.)
An introduction to the principles, concepts and techniques of marketing. A significant objective of the course is the development of a basic understanding of the marketing process and its role in the organization, in the economy, and in global markets.
Ten courses, including COMP-3037, COMP-3057, COM-3067, COMP 3077, COMP-3250
The course focuses on practical topics in information security that are encountered on a regular basis in the information technology ecosystem. The course discusses practical security problems and guidelines to help the user of information technology to make sound security decisions. Topics covered in this course include security policies, access controls, e-mail security, database security, WWW security, social network security, computer virus, and wireless network security. (Prerequisite: COMP-2057 or COMP- 2067) (3 lecture hours). (This course may not be taken to fulfill the major requirements of any major or joint major in Computer Science, except for the Bachelor of Information Technology (BIT) program.) (3 lecture hours).
A number of key concerns about social welfare in our cyber age will be explored. Law, morality, public policy, and how these both influence and are influenced by the Internet will be examined. This course will critically appraise issues surrounding, but not limited to, free speech, property rights (especially intellectual property), privacy, security, and artificial intelligence. Issues raised by ethical theorists, policy makers, legal experts, and computer scientists will be analyzed in this course. (Prerequisites: COMP-2057 or COMP 2540) (This course may not be taken to fulfill the major requirements of any major or joint major in Computer Science, except for the Bachelor of Information Technology (BIT) program.)(3 lecture hours a week)
This course will acquaint students with the basic concepts and application of relational database systems. The topic covered will include 3-level architecture, relational bases, Structured Query Language (SQL) and query formulation, and normalization concepts. Prerequisite: COMP-2547, Antirequisite: COMP-3150) (May not be used to fulfill the major requirements of any major or joint major in Computer Science, except for the Bachelor of Information Technology (BIT) program. This course can not be taken as a substitute for COMP-3150) (3 lecture hours a week).
This course is intended to teach students how to design and build interactive data-driven Web sites, by extending their knowledge of relevant programming concepts and techniques introduced in COMP-2707, and introducing new tools and techniques. Students will learn advanced use of PHP and MySQL to build objects and “glue” them together using protocols such as JSON, code libraries such as AJAX and jQuery, and learn how to incorporate API’s from Web service providers such as Google Maps. (Prerequisite: COMP-2707). (This course may not be taken to fulfill the major requirements of any major or joint major in Computer Science, except for the Bachelor of Information Technology (BIT) program.) (3 lecture hours a week.)
This course covers techniques for quantitative and qualitative data analysis and visualization of big data. It focuses on statistics for model building and evaluation. Topics include experimental research, correlation analysis, regression, and group comparisons. Students will learn how to utilize real datasets with graphs and numerical measures and work with unstructured data like texts and images. (Prerequisite: COMP-2547 (or COMP-2540) and STAT-2910) (3 lecture hours)
Ten courses, including COMP-4990(a 6.0 credit hour course)
This course requires students to complete an application development project in some area of Computer Science under the supervision of a faculty member. The course will typically involve the development of some software or the design and/or implementation of some algorithm. Students will be required to submit project reports and give presentations on the technical components of the project. (a 6 credit course restricted to Semester 7 or Semester 8 students in Computer Science.) (Antirequisite: COMP- 4960.) (3 lecture hours or equivalent a week, for two terms.)