Computer Science, Software Engineering Specialization

Program Overview & Highlights

  • Co-op Available
  • Honours 4-Year Program
  • BSc

Develop the hard skills you’ll need for creating, designing and maintaining software in this specialized program. You’ll learn to apply the technologies and practices from computer science, project management, engineering, application domains, interface design, digital asset management and other fields to software engineering. UWindsor is tied for first in graduate employment rates. All our grads find jobs in their chosen field within two years of graduation. Not a professional engineering designation.

Many specializations – flexibility to diversify your skills in AI, software engineering and more!
Gain experience in paid co-op positions and accelerate your career. We host the ICPC programming competition and have a strong server infrastructure for students.

Learn More About Our Program

Faculty to student ratio - the best in Ontario and one of the best in Canada.
Employment Rate of Graduates1
1 *Six Months after Graduation (OUGS Computer Science, 2020)

What Lancers Are Saying

Ashad - Web & Digital Project Coordinator

Taking Computer Science at University of Windsor has allowed me to explore so many different fields and topics that now I have a much better idea of what I want to achieve in my future. From data structures to website design classes, I've gained useful knowledge in various areas thanks to the amazing faculty and meaningful friendships. Additionally, I've had the unique experience of taking on a co-op position at the University, which has helped me gain valuable connections and real-world experience with modern web development techniques in a fast-paced team and environment. Overall, the program has certainly paved a bright pathway for my future by preparing me for the ever advancing computer science industry.


Web & Digital Project Coordinator
Bachelor of Computer Science (Hons), Minor in Math & IT
Parmida - Student Ambassador

After the first day I started playing video games, I knew I wanted my future job to do something with them. I am now studying computer science and hopefully will be able to program games of my own soon. It took me years of researching in different fields before I knew what path I wanted to choose in life. Although I know the expectation of figuring life out and choosing your future job when you’re a teenager could be a confusing process, I would be glad to help you in this journey. Come find me at Head Start this summer to put any confusion to rest before attending the University of Windsor in the fall :)


Student Ambassador
Computer Science

Admission Requirements

Student in Canada

Course Requirements: Advanced Functions/MHF4U. English/ENG4U.
Strongly Recommended: Calculus & Vectors/MCV4U
Minimum Average: 70% (Min of 70% on all math courses)
Minimum Average (Co-op): 75%
Mean Average: 86%

Student outside of Canada

Course Requirements: Grade 12 Advanced Functions. Grade 12 English.
Strongly Recommended: Grade 12 Calculus & Vectors
Minimum Average: 70% (70% average of math courses)
Minimum Average (Co-op): 75% (Co-op Programs: 75% + 70% average in all attempted math courses, excluding Grade 12 Data Management)
Mean Average: 83%

Course Sequencing

Career Tracks

  • App developer
  • computer programmer
  • software engineer
  • game developer
  • computer programming
  • Graduate level study for high level industry positions
  • education and academia
  • web developer

Contact A Recruiter

Do you have questions about this or one of our many other programs? Send us a message and we’ll answer any questions you have!