Transfer Student Applicants

A transfer student is any student who has previously attended a post-secondary institution within or outside of Canada.

Admission Requirements & Eligibility for...

Canadian Citizen or Permanent Resident applicants who have attended a post-secondary institution but do not meet the stated admission requirements above, may still have opportunity to be admitted as a Mature Student Admission (click on link for requirements and application process).

For more details on Transferring to UWindsor, the Course Equivalency Database, and other transfer resources, please visit our Transfer to UWindsor Page

Application Steps

Step 1: Apply Through OUAC

Transfer students may apply for either full-time or part-time undergraduate studies at the University of Windsor. If applying for part-time studies, please review the Part-Time Student Application information prior to completing the application. It is suggested to apply by the following deadlines for the respective terms to ensure sufficient evaluation time of transfer credits:

  • November 1st, for winter admission (January start)
  • March 1st, for spring admission (May start)
  • May 1st, for fall admission (September start)

We recommend that transfer students apply earlier than the application deadlines to ensure sufficient time for student visa and transfer credit processing. We do, however, admit qualified students after the deadlines listed if the program has available space.

A document evaluation fee is applied to all transfer student applications at the point of application which will cover the admission and transfer credit assessment of all post-secondary documents. Learn more about student fees.

Step 2: After You Apply

After submitting your application form, you can expect to receive an application acknowledgement email within five business days.

This email will include instructions for:

  1. Activating your UWin Account
  2. Signing into UWinsite Student, UWindsor’s student information platform.

Once you have accessed UWinsite Student, you will need to respond to the items in your To Do List, including uploading the following documents:

  1. Transcripts of all high school and post-secondary experiences
  2. For any applicant presenting documents issued under a prior name, an official certificate confirming a name change is also required

After your documents have been received, they will be verified by UWindsor’s Office of the Registrar and the items on your To Do List in UWinsite Student marked as “Completed.”

It is only at this point – when all your documentation has been submitted and is in order – that evaluation of your application will begin. Evaluation, if there are no unique circumstances which require further analysis, may take up to four weeks.

You can monitor the status of your application in UWinsite Student. You will also be notified by email when a decision has been made.

Step 3: Transfer Credit Evaluation

The majority of transfer students are eligible to earn transfer credits. For specialized Transfer Pathways, these credits may be earned as a block of credits through transfer or degree completion pathway. See more information on Transfer and Degree Completion Pathways.

Transfer Credit evaluation starts at the point of admission. Transcripts are evaluated to determine courses that are eligible for transfer credit. Transfer credit is granted at a minimum grade of 60% for university level / undergraduate degree program courses and 70% for College level / diploma program courses.

Courses that have been previously evaluated for Transfer Credit will be evaluated at the point of admission. Please see our Course Equivalency Database for a possible listing of evaluated credits from the post-secondary institutions you have previously attended.

For courses that have not been previously evaluated, your letter of admission will proceed and not be delayed and students are encouraged to proceed to “Step 4 – Next Steps” to complete the admission while their transfer credit is processed.

In addition to receiving your letter of admission, you will be asked to submit course outlines for courses that have not been previously evaluated for transfer credit. Review the Guidelines here. Transfer credit evaluation can take up to 3-4 weeks after receiving the submitted course outlines.

Your Transfer Credit results can be viewed on your UWinsite Student account in your Academic Advising Report or your Unofficial Transcript, after you’ve been activated for registration.

Step 4: Next Steps

Once you receive your Offer of Admission letter, you’ll want to follow the steps outlined on our Next Steps page including:

  • How to review and accept your Offer of Admission
  • How to set up your multi-factor authentication (MFA) options
  • How to extend your UWin Account
  • How to plan and register for courses
  • And more…