
Program Overview & Highlights

Get inside people’s brains in this program that lets you discover why people think and act the way they do. Major in psychology alone or do a combined honours with another discipline. Start your program with an introduction to Psychology course for psych majors only, where you get to work in small groups led by mentors to help you along. You can do research and community placements throughout your undergraduate years. Our three-year General Psychology program provides a broad base of knowledge concerning many aspects of human behaviour and experience. Our Honours Psychology program includes advanced courses in various areas of psychology and prepares students to apply for a wide range of professional degrees. Our Honours Psychology with Thesis program provides advanced courses in psychology research methods and statistics and prepares students to apply for MA and PhD degrees in psychology.

What Will I Learn?

Understanding and assessing the psychological, emotional, cognitive, and social determinants of human behaviour
Identifying, interpreting, and communicating key issues relevant to individuals, groups and society
Understanding and applying behavioural components of psychological theory

Explore Your Opportunites

General Psychology: further study in social services-related diploma and certificate programs; employment in fields involving interaction with the public.
Honours Psychology: further study in non-psychology professions (business, education, law, medicine, social work); careers in business, industry, government, health care, community agencies.
Honours Psychology with Thesis: graduate studies in psychology leading to careers in teaching, research and practice in university, government, health, social services and private practice

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