The Behaviour, Cognition, and Neuroscience program explores behavioural, cognitive, cellular and molecular aspects of life from both a biological and psychological perspective. You’ll study behaviour and cognition in humans and other animals, and neuroscience at the chemical, genetic, and systems physiological levels. Enjoy hands-on learning through work in the lab and/or field that will expose you to cutting-edge research and prepare you for a wide range of careers .
Course Requirements: Advanced Functions/MHF4U, Chemistry/SCH4U, Biology/SBI4U. English/ENG4U.
Strongly Recommended: Calculus & Vectors/MCV4U
Recommended: Physics/SPH4U
Minimum Average: 70% on all attempted science and math courses
Mean Average: 88%
<strong>Course Requirements: </strong> Advanced Functions/MHF4U, Chemistry/SCH4U, Biology/SBI4U. English/ENG4U.
<strong>Strongly Recommended: </strong> Calculus & Vectors/MCV4U
<strong>Recommended: </strong> Physics/SPH4U
<strong>Minimum Average: </strong>70% on all attempted science and math courses
<strong>Mean Average: </strong>88%